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Draft Recap

To take ownership of your mistake means to admit and take responsibility for what you did wrong, without making excuses or blaming others. It is a mark of leadership, credibility and trust.

- Adults

Rumor has it the 2023 Fall Grinders draft was one for the ages. It’s already been referred to as the following:

  • The “Dazed and Confused: Draft
  • The “Rounders” Draft
  • The “It’s My Party and I’ll Cry If I Want To” Draft
  • The “Sesame Street” Draft (for lack of addition/subtraction skills)
  • The “It’s. Not. Fair.” Draft

Soooooo many names. Sooooooo many characters. Sooooooo many “WTF” moments. Old Man Jon could be heard at the bar afterwards saying that it was the angriest and most uncomfortable draft he’s ever been a part of. Let’s go over the high and low lights……..

Crickets: Here are the silent moments.

Ford for $1, $2, $15………………………………. sold to Jimmy. Has Ford ever gone for that much? Never. Is he worth that much? Of course not. I think Jimmy is still wondering if he could have gotten him for around $8. I know the rest of the captains were looking at him in disbelief.

Tirado for $1………………………… sold to Cole. Now we all know Bang Bang loves to shoot and hates to pass. We all know Bang Bang gets lost on D. We all know Bang Bang is tiny. We all know Bang Bang is a mini-Vaillancourt when it comes to turning the ball over………..ok, maybe $1 with no raise was the right amount.

Hellraisers: Here’s where the bidding was fast and furious.

E for $24……….E was considered the “big prize” to be won by many in the draft. I don’t know if that’s due to his talent or a statement about this year’s draft class (think Mario Bennett). The bidding was back and forth and finished as a tug of war between MVP Jimmy and Fat Cole. As you would suspect, Jimmy won.

Wayne for $22……..No one knew what they were going to get out of Wayne. Would he be healthy? Hell, would he even show? He sure as hell went for a lot of $$$$ for a guy with a bunch of question marks. Most of the captains put in a bid or 2. Eventually Fat Cole beat out Can’t Count Curtis.

Bryant for $20?…….New guy Bryant garnered a lot of attention at the open runs. Bidding early was heavy from all sources. It flatlined a bit in the teens, but picked back up late, getting him out of the teens and onto Jeff May’s squad.

Honorable Mention(s):

Pey-Pey “The Child” Polish last name or something……. Didn’t go as high as some thought, but was fought over by multiple captains.

Todd “Freakin'” Nixon: Not for his value or the bidding on him, but congrats on being Jeff May’s franchise’s FIRST selection ever. You are Tim Couch. He also single-handedly ruined the AD’s night without even being there.

Ca$h Cou$in$ Tirado and Creamer have been reunited.

The Moments that Stuck Out:

League vet Tommy Hughes did nothing to help him drop the moniker of “Tantrumming Tommy”. Tommy wasn’t even drafting but made headlines with his “I’m taking my ball and I’m going home” attitude. As AD Curt was trying to bring in new, talented blood (JJ), Tommy balked and threatened to retire if his guys weren’t allowed in. Very LeBron-esque. It’s tough to stay at the top, but maybe not that tough when you always get your way……..

Jeff May leaving $$$$ on the table. An excuse could be made that it was Mr. May’s first draft. An excuse could be made that the draft happened too late and it was past his bedtime. It was a bit shocking to see the confusion on his face though at trying to draft a 5th player when that was not an option (Gersitz already had drafted the extra player). Something, something, “fucking idiots”. Mute button. Angry face. Leaves bar.

The crem-de-la-crem. The piece-de-resistance. The OMFG moment of this sessions draft belongs to none other than the AD himself, Curtis “Green Card” Masich. Masich was secretly plotting and saving money for his hated enemy Richie “Slider” Creamer. Cole was also saving draft capital for Creamer as well (not the only Creamer, Cole has spent $$$$ on…….). But what Curt failed to realize was that Cole had him out-gunned. Curtis thought that Nixon was on Cole’s team (see May’s team), altering the money he thought was available for Cole to bid. He also thought that he could just pick somebody up at the end of the draft (whoever was left) for $0. When Cole bid $22 on Creamer, Curtis tried going $23. When he was told he couldn’t and was explained that he needed money left for other players, boy oh boy. It was like someone cancelled Christmas. It got better when he realized if he bid $22 first for Richie, Cole couldn’t have done anything about it (max bid was $22). The AD then chanelled his inner 8 year-old and asked for a re-do. He stated it wasn’t fair and that Cole should give him Richie because he made a math and team error with Nixon. The meltdown was waaaaaaay more epic that this write-up does justice. If you want a good accounting, ask Kellen or Old Man Jon.

Winners and Losers:

Loser: Cole – Who spends $46/$50 on 2 dudes who won’t/can’t show up? Just stupid, plain and simple.

Loser: Curt – see above………still chuckling about Baby putting Baby in the corner of the bar.

Winners: Jimmy & Gersitz – Put together solid teams. Should give the champs a run for their money.

Winner: Team May – This team may win the Lady Bing of Grinders. A ton of good dudes on the squad.

Good luck to everyone, and until next draft………tootles.

Kenny Explains Grinders Awards & Advanced Statistics

  • By Kenny Blankenship

Have you ever wondered what GAPE means, or what Hero% is all about? Or what is the Curtis Masich “What’s a Pass?” Award? Well, you’re in the right place.

Prestigious Awards

Most Valuable Player (MVP)

The MVP is awarded to the Grinder who had the highest “Overall” rating over the entire regular season.

Matt Vaillancourt Defensive MVP (VD MVP)

The Defensive MVP is awarded to the Grinder who had the highest “Defense” rating over the course of the regular season.

Curtis Masich “What’s A Pass?” Award (WAP)

The WAP is awarded to the Grinder who has the highest “WAP%” over the course of the regular season.

All-Grinders Teams

All-Grinders 1st Team

Grinders with the four (4) highest “Value“ ratings, provided the grinder has played in more than half of his team’s games.

All-Grinders 2nd Team

Grinders with the next 4 highest “Value” ratings, provided the grinder has played more than half of his team’s games.

Advanced Stats Explained


Purpose: The “Defense” stat measures a Grinder’s… defensive efforts.

Defense = (Rebounds/3) + (Steals*2) + (Blocks *2)

Rebounds are divided by three (3) to lessen the benefit received for being taller than everyone else. Since steals and blocks are all that we have left to measure defense, they are each multiplied by two (2) to increase the weight each factors into total score. A higher Defense score indicates a Grinder played well defensively.

GAPE (Grinders Analytical Player Evaluation)

Purpose: This stat attempts to capture how effective a Grinder’s performance was. Although defense plays a role in calculating GAPE, it is heavily weighted by offensive performance. The more points you score, the higher GAPE quickly becomes.

GAPE = Points Scored + Field Goals Made + Rebounds + Assists + Steals + Blocks – Air Balls – Turnovers – Field Goals Attempted

A higher GAPE score indicates a more effective game was played.


Suck measures all of the ways a Grinder negatively impacts his team during a basketball game. A higher Suck score indicates a lousier performance.

Suck = (1 – ((1 + Field Goals Made) / ((If Field Goals Attempted<=5, 5, 0)*5 + Field Goals Attempted + Airballs + Field Goals Attempted + Turnovers))) * 100

The “5” is used as a constant to offset the impact of players who are not often utilized in a game and have low shot totals. It prevents them from having an artificially low Suck score. The higher the suck score, the worse the Grinder performed.


The Overall rating was created to more accurately measure a player’s overall performance. A high GAPE may be misleading if that Grinder also had a higher than average Suck score. This statistic combines GAPE and SUCK to more effectively balance the positives and negatives in a Grinder’s performance.

Overall = GAPE + (100 – Suck)

The higher the Overall Score, the better all-around performance a Grinder had. Generally, Overall scores range from 0-100. However, exceptionally poor performances can result in a negative Overall. Likewise, a dominating all-around performance can result in an Overall over 100.


Every team needs a hero…

Hero% = GAPE / Team GAPE

The higher the Hero%, the more the Grinder’s Team relied on that player as the go-to guy… whereas a low or negative Hero% indicates the Grinder contributed nothing to his team.


WAP% stands for… oh you know what it stands for. This metric was created to measure what percentage of shots a Grinder takes for his team.

WAP% = Field Goals Attempted / Team Field Goals Attempted

A high WAP% indicates a Grinder is, or rather thinks he is, an excellent shooter, or has zero faith in his teammates. This Grinder will shoot regardless of any situation.


Wins Above Replacement Player takes into account all of the advanced statistics explained above and determines how valuable a Grinder truly is to his team.

WaR = LOL yeah right, Grinders HQ didn’t even tell GAPE Chicken this formula.

Trust us, this formula is legit and does an excellent job of taking into account all of the things a Grinder does on the basketball court – how effective the Grinder is on offense, defense, and how much the Grinder incudes and elevates the overall play of his team. The “James Hardens” of Grinders Basketball will find their WaR is lower than they would like – indicating they are not as valuable to their team as they think they are.

WaR Ratings

  • Negative WaR: Indicates a Grinder was horrid and the team was better off if he had stayed home with Covid.
  • 0 – 0.5 WaR: Indicates replacement level player (you know – the guys who go for $1-3 in the draft.
  • 0.5 – 1.5 WaR: Role guys
  • 1.5 – 2.5 WaR: Solid guys
  • 2.5 – 3.5 WaR: All-Grinder 1st team type guys
  • 3.5+ WaR: MVP type performances


Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Word is Team Blue is going to lose… because Witt?